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29 Aug 2014, 12:20pm


Continuous Hope

Hoppy Friday Everpawdy!!

Bart is doing FANTASTIC! It was such a good decision to stop chemo! He is back to his old self and we are keeping his body as strong as possible internally and externally. He is taking K9 Medicinal products, Fish Oil, BioPrepF3+ (algae pills) and Herbsmith Comfort Aches for some stiffness I have noticed him experiencing.  Next week, we have an appointment at Georgia Veterinary Rehabilitation Specialists to get a full work up on what we can do to keep him active and comfortable now and in the future.  I am really looking forward to meeting the owner of this facility, as I have heard that she is amazing. They are a full service facility, offering Physical Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Chiropractic care, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. I am hoping they can provide me with exercises I can do for him at home to keep him strong and comfortable.  I also want to get into a facility sooner rather than later so that when/if he starts experiencing serious pain down the line we already have a place to go for support. Bart has been on 3 legs for over 6 years and, trust me, he has put a lot of miles on that front leg. I knew all along that eventually we would have to deal with pain in his front leg, but I knew that Bart had to be a Dog, he had to be a Vizsla and he had to run and hunt in order to continue to live to his full potential.  There are no regrets…absolutely none.

We also have a professional photography shoot scheduled for the end of October at a Goat Farm in Atlanta. I have wanted to do this forever, and am looking forward to it. We are waiting until the end of October because there is a chance that Bart will have a new little Vizsla sister by then and I would like to share this moment with both of them.

We are ready for cooler weather, as this heat takes such a toll on Bart and his activity. I am looking forward to letting him hunt on our farm as he so loves to do.

We are going back to Bart’s oncologist in October for a chest X-ray to see if there are any mets…I will be nervous but I am mentally ready for whatever comes along.  Bart leads an incredible life and he will continue to do so no matter what comes our way. For now, Cancer…you better stay away!!

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This is Bart waiting to receive his award at the AKC/Eukanuba Championships as the 2013 ACE Exemplary Companion…he is pretty handsome, don’t you think?

I hope everyone has a great and safe Labor Day Weekend!


Darcy & Bart

Thanks for this wonderful update!

Bart continues to be a tripawd hero.

Many hugs

Linda and Tucker

Thank you so much for this update. I have been waiting and wondering so much how our Barty has been doing. He is such a true warrior. Always has been and always will be. I am so happy that Bart will have a little sister to teach the ropes too.

Sounds like you have a great plan in place for Bart. I always was nervous around the time x-rays came due. We will keep you in our prayers and I know it will be good news 🙂 Glad he is back to his old self. I can’t wait to see pictures in October.

Michelle & Angel Sassy


Jist grinningnear to ear on this update! And what a WONDERFUL team you two are!!!

Six years on three legs, along with a few other “challenges”, and Bart is still playing full out and living life to the fullest! I honor you both for such an incredible zest for life.

And Darcy, for you have the courage to allow Bart to be Bart for these six years, and continuing to do so, yep, that’s love..selfless, selfless love!!

To plan ahead to do whatever it takes to keep his quality intact and to continue to figure out ways for him to enjoy himself, even if it is at a slower pace someday…yeah, that’s love…selfless, selfless love!

And to know that a new puppy is coming for Bart to “train” and impart his wisdom…YAAAAAAAAY!!!

And Bart you are such a handsome Champion in pdeed!!! You and your Mom are ourr hero, our Champion forever!!!

KEEP THESE GREAT UPDATES COMING!!!! Such a beacon of hope and inspiration!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Oh my, that photo of Bart is the field is absolutely stunning. What a strong looking chest! I just can’t get these kind of photos with my tri-kitty Mona. Cute? Yes but she is usually lolling around on the ground.

Mona went for a chiropractic session about a month after her amputation. Right after the session she was prancing rather than thumping. I hope Bart has similar results at his rehab. I’m sure you’ll do well with exercises to maintain his strength since you are both champions.

Yeah to stunningly handsome Bart from Kerren, a fan, and Mona, stunningly cute and round.

All I can say is Bart is amazing, and we couldn’t be happier to hear that he is doing so great !! What a completely handsome Champion he is in so many ways.

Let us know how everything goes with his upcoming appointments and photo shoot…..a little sister would be incredible!!

Thank you for sharing Bart with us!
Bonnie & Angel Polly

Woohoo! SO glad to hear that Bart is back to living life to the max! Chemo shmemo, looks like you are exploring all the alternatives and they are doing the trick. Yay! All tails wagging here!

Codie Rae and the OP

and p.s. Bart is indeed a most handsome champion 🙂

Darn tootin’ he’s pretty handsome!

I’ve been waiting forever to read how he’s doing and am so glad I got a chance…YAAAAAY BARTY!!!!!

You two have such an incredible relationship, you both know eachother like soul mates. Ditching the chemo, spoiling him with love and getting that rehab in there so he feels good and pain-free is all this boy wants and his hoppiness shows that you are both right in sync with each other. This is animal/human communication defined!

ROCK ON BART! LOVE YA! & you too Darcy! xoxo


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Bart – an extraordinary Vizsla is brought to you by Tripawds.