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23 Apr 2012, 1:10pm


Pay it Forward

Good Morning Tripawd Community!!

I hope everyone had as good a weekend as me & Barty!! We are sending pawsitive thoughts to all of you who are new on this journey and a big Paw’s Up to all of you who keep on keepin’ on!!!

On Saturday Bart & I were driving to a training day early in the morning. I had given up coffee a few weeks ago and decided to spurge on a Latte at Starbucks! Yummo!! We placed our order in the drive through and while we were waiting in line Bart & I were singing to music and hugging and laughing (we do a lot of that!) waiting for our turn at the window.  I saw the gal in front of us make two transactions and thought she must have forgotten to order something. When we got to the window to pay, the gentleman at the window told us that the gal in front of us had paid for my Latte – for no reason but to be nice!!! I waved my thanks to her and she smiled and drove away. Needless to say, I was touched. The Starbuck’s worker said it happens frequently – how about that!!!

Of course I got to thinking about paying it forward and how much better a world we would live in if we all paid it forward. Paying it forward is one of the reasons I trot Bart around to so many different events – so that others can see what is possible and to hopefully help someone else who may be faced with a similar situation in life.  OK, so admittedly some of it is to pay it forward and some of it is because I am just so flippin’ proud of Bart and his accomplishments it is crazy! But, I think we have helped more than just a few people. IN fact, just a few weeks ago we were contacted by someone who had seen Bart at the 2009 Vizsla Nationals in Charlotte, NC, and was talking about his accomplishments when someone whose sweeet boy had just undergone an amputation heard about Bart and has since contacted us and become one of our tripawd friends! Offering support to strangers who share a commonality such as this is an amazing bi-product of this journey.

Thank you to and all the members who are paying it forward by sharing your stories and offering support and invaluable information!

Keep up the great work!!


Darcy & Bart

12 Apr 2012, 1:26pm


What this Journey Means toYou

Good Morning Tripawds & Tripawd Pawrents/Fans:

When I was running yesterday I was wondering what gave each of you tripawd pawrents strength & courage to go on this journey and felt compelled to share my story with you all in hopes that perhaps others will share their stories as well so I can see what drove each of you to do what you did. For example, I am AMAZED at the story of Spirit Jerry’s pawrents who, from what I understand, sold their material possessions and went on a journey of a lifetime! I wonder what inner force drove them to that decision and gave them such strength!

After I was able to digest Bart’s diagnosis of osteosarcoma, I started to wonder why the Universe had placed us on this path. I had deep, rich faith that there was a reason for this situation and I searched for days – sitting, asking, “Why?” and then trying to listen for an answer.  I remember like it was yesterday sitting quietly on my couch pondering this question for the zillionth time when I saw the word LOVE across the inside of my mid-section in beautiful colors in capital letters. I thought, I am going crazy, I must be wanting to see something and this can’t be for real because the letters were as clear then as they are on this computer screen (but much prettier and vibrant).  So, in true human fashion, I dismissed this experience and chalked it up to sleep deprivation or something of the sort.

A few days later I was again wondering why Bart & I were chosen to go on this journey and the same beautiful, colorful word LOVE appeared in the same place just as it had before. What in heck did it mean? Of course I loved Bart, with all my heart, but why was THIS the answer to my question, “Why?”  Since it had surfaced for a second time, I took this as the answer and decided to embrace it and this journey with all my heart even though I did not understand what it meant. I still don’t fully understand why that was the answer, but it does enable me to move forward and experience unbridled Love of Bart and those around me in a much less guarded fashion. Even as I write this experience down today, four years later, I believe that I have not yet recevied the complete lesson I am meant to learn but I know that if Love has something to do with it, I am ready to accept these teachings even if they are in a form that has great difficulties.

I would love to hear of the experiences of all you Tripawd Pawrents because even though our Tripawds are amazing, I have a feeling that there are some pretty amazing humans on board this journey as well.  

Darcy & Bart

10 Apr 2012, 11:40am


Bart’s Summer Challenge

Happy Tuesday! (In Bart’s World, every day is a Happy Day!!)

Bart had a great weekend! He is fortunate enough to live on a large farm with 4 other canine brothers and sisters and two horse cousins. He gets to run, hunt quail and hang out with mom while I help tend to the garden, the horses and anything else that needs to get done.

Now that Bart’s Field Trial Season is over for the summer, he is going to be working on training for a grueling NAVHDA (North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association) test which is an all day long, 4 event challenge which allows Bart to demonstrate his superior quail hunting talent and show off his amazing swimming abilities while he searches for ducks! Yep, Bart is a swimming machine!!

Bart was not allowed to try to swim until he finished his chemo treatments in October 2008 due to possible bacteria in the lakes and ponds and when he was finally able to attempt it I have to admit I had some concerns that it would be too difficult for him and had even looked into getting him a life vest.  A friend reminded me how Bart had overcome all other boundaries and to let him try and just see how he would do. In true Bart style, he ran into the lake and started swimming like a pro!  That was the very last time I ever doubted Bart’s abilities at all! From then on out it was Full Steam Ahead!!!

So, this summer we will be working on getting prepared for a NAVHDA test so we will keep you posted on Bart’s progress. 

Bart wants to remind everyone to make sure to hug and love your Tripawds every chance you get (and to give them lots of treats!)!

Darcy & Bart


5 Apr 2012, 12:31pm


Introducing Bart!

Good Morning!

As I was riding to work this morning I was thinking about what I hope to accomplish with this blog about Bart. I still don’t quite have an answer, but perhaps it will come to me as I begin to share my experiences with Bart over the past four years and on a daily basis.  Just when I think he has done all he was put here to do, another opportunity arises for us or he amazes someone who had never seen him before and I realize that our work here is not finished.

This weekend Bart & I travelled to Lake Wales, Florida to compete in an AKC Field Trial, which is a 30 minute hunting event in which Bart excels. When Bart was chosen to complete a retrieve based on his 30 minute performance, there were some folks in the stands who had never seen him in action.  Bart is known to retrieve his birds probably faster and zippier than most dogs out there and the reaction from those who had never seen him was of pure astonishment! Afterwards, one of the spectators approached me, introduced himself as an organizer of guided hunts for Florida’s Wounded Soldiers and invited Bart to come hunt with some Wounded Soldiers! We have worked with Wounded Warriors out of Fort Campbell, KY, and it was one of the most memorable times we have had. These are the opportunities Bart & I get presented with only because we continue to do what we love and because we get out there and challenge peoples’ belief about what can be done on 3 legs.

There is no need to waste time worrying about what you can’t do when there is so much that you can! Bart shows me that every day and I hope he inspires you & your Tripawd to do the same!


Bart – an extraordinary Vizsla is brought to you by Tripawds.