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18 May 2015, 12:52pm


A Great Transformation and Healing

Hoppy Monday!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!! Towanda & I visited the other two original members of the Vizsla Tripawd World Domination League in Jacksonville.  Towanda swam and played and swam some more! It was so much fun and she stole the show!!

This was my first return visit without Bart…needless to say, there are many firsts I am having to do without Bart at my side physically, although he has never left my heart and never will. In honor of Bart, I began putting together a slide show about Bart’s over-the-top magical life several (many, many) months ago. At first, I decided to make it his story from start to finish…the finishing part is what gave me great pains, tears and sorrow.  I miss my Best Friend. There is just no other way to put it…I just miss him and I shed numerous buckets of tears as I was trying to put my tribute to him together.

Then, something really, really AWESOME happened. As I was looking over the 1,000’s of photos I have a Bart I realized that the end was only but a small portion of his life and it sure didn’t define him or us. What made Bart “Bart” and made us a duo that everyone loved being around was the Happy-Ness that we lived and shared. It was the Love that Bart & I shared together and with everyone around us…you could not help but notice it.  In that moment my tribute to Bart took on an entirely different tone and my heart lifted.  Here is the finished project, I hope you enjoy it.

The video is not perfect, but Bart was. There are many things I would fix if I could (I accidentally saved it and it is no longer editable), but there is nothing about Bart and my life with him that I would edit or alter. Our life was perfect from start to finish and I would not change a thing.

I hope you enjoy it and, most of all, I hope it makes you smile as that is what Bart wanted more than anything – to make people HAPPY!!

Darcy, TOWANDA! and the always present Angel Bart

I love it. <3 <3 <3 it. It doesn't matter if you don't think the video is perfect I do 🙂 You can just see the love in both of your eyes. What a sweet sweet Angel.

Michelle & Angel Sassy, Snickers too

Darcy, what a fantastic tribute to Bart and your life together. I smiled all the way through to see the incredible bond between you and love that you two shared.

Thank you for sharing your journey together!

What a beautiful way to sum up your life with Bart, not changing a thing. That is exactly what I say about my angel Polly as well…..We were both blessed with perfect pups, and there could never be anything to edit, or change, or fix, I couldn’t have said it better, our lives were perfect from start to finish with our best ever pup friends.

And your tribute video to Bart is perfect as well ….. !!
Bonnie, Angel Polly, and new crew

Darcy, this is just beautiful. And you are absolutely right, Cancer was just a tiny fraction of the wonderful, extraordinary life that Bart lived. The love you shared and still share is so evident. I think the video is wonderful, and it made me smile! Lori, Ty & the gang

Oh my gosh Darcy! This IS PAWFECT! I couldn’t help but smile HUGE the entire time, the joy and love and absolute pure goodness that evolved over your relationship with Bart from puppyhood until his last breath was so clear and beautiful in this video. Thank you so so much for sharing it with us!

I think that it took time, and healing, for you to be able to come up with this very, very special tribute. What a fantastic job. So many pics I’d never seen before, what a joy.

By the way, who was the other Tripawd in the pics about halfway through? That was another Vizsla from the club right?

By the way, this says it all:

“I realized that the end was only but a small portion of his life and it sure didn’t define him or us.”

As hard as it is to remember this when we are setting our beloved pup’s spirit free, it’s so very, very true. The end is a blink, a spec in time, it’s nothing compared to what came before. So glad that you reached this point in your heart. YAY!

Thank you everypawdy for your kind words and for taking the time to see what Bart & I shared. When he was first diagnosed my goal was to make a million wonderful memories so that the one second when I had to set his spirit free did not take over. While it is soooo hard to be without him, as so many of you know, it does make me truly HAPPY to think of all the good times we had.
Darcy, TOWANDA! and Angel Bart

And, the two other Vizsla Tripawds are Angel Cheddar and Fred. Both of their moms live in FL and through our Tripawds we are now all close friends. In fact, we all got together this weekend in Jacksonville which we do at least twice a year. Yet another glorious bi-product of Bart…you done good, buddy, you done good.

A life well-lived! Thank you for letting all of us here share Bart with you! It was an honor!

20 May 2015, 3:07am
by penny4weims


That was a wonderful video, I was hopping all over my seat with the Happy song. You two had a extraordinary life together, one we would all cherish. I have 2 weims that love birds and I wish I had the drive to make that a part of their life. Does Towanda come from Fried green Tomatoes?
Penny, Hank, Blink and Angel Maggie


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Bart – an extraordinary Vizsla is brought to you by Tripawds.