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22 May 2014, 7:57pm


Bart Rockin’ Round 2 of Chemo!!

Hi Everypawdy!!

As usual, Bart is involved in fantastic events and I am the lucky soul who gets to go along for the ride!

We were invited to attend a Police Dog Demonstration held by the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department to reward an elementary school that raised the most money in their local penny drive. The money raised is all donated to Chase Away K9 Cancer and the founder of the organization flew in from Oregon and asked Bart & I to join in the fun! Bart made his appearance and the children absolutely LOVED him!! At one point, over 30 kids swarmed Bart to pet him and meet him and he ate it up like chocolate pudding! Bart has the calm confidence with humans that is just incredible. The swarm of kids never rattled him and when the sea of children parted, you could see his happy Vizsla face looking up at them all with his tail wagging.

ChaseAway2014 - the whole crew

We even made the front page of the Douglas County Sentinel! Just look at those smiling faces…another once in a lifetime experiences I have been fortunate to have with Bart!!

Bart in DouglasCo Sentinel

He had round 2 of his chemo regimen yesterday and is eating and resting comfortably in my office as we speak!

I am amazingly not stressed about this second battle. I am not going to worry about something that has not happened and am just going to try my best to do whatever I can for him. I love Bart with all my heart. I don’t want to lose him. I really don’t. But I also don’t want to taint the amazing time we have right now with my fears of what might happen in the future.


Cancer Wont Win

I am still following Bart’s lead of happy happy joy joy! And Bart’s message to cancer is clear!! YOU WON’T WIN!!

We hope everyone has a magical Memorial Weekend!

We Love you All!!

Darcy & Bart

Way to go Bart!
I think there is no denying that Bart is one of the most awesome dogs on the planet! Bart puts 110% into everything he does, and I know he’ll do the same for this latest challenge! Stay strong buddy, you’ve got the Tripawds Nation standing behind you!!

Darcy & Bart. Way to go. You both are so awesome & keeping a very positive attitude. Keep it up. You are a great celebrity Bart.

Michelle & Angel Sassy

All goosey bumpy reading this!! Little bit of tears of pride welling up too!

We are all so privileged to be on this historic journey with Bart……OMD…sich an honor!

I love everything about this dog and everything about your bond and commitment to each other.

To be able to handle with such calm and grace when all of his fans gather ’round…..such a special boy.

And ABOSLUTELY…you stayl in thepresent right where Bart is! He’s not worried about a thing and henis certainly not going to let anything interrupt his jo and happiness!!!

Bart is winner and so is his momma!!! Bart will always be our champion…our hero…our beacon of hope……our superstar…..our inspiratin…our happy, friendly boy with a smile as big as Kansas!!

Love and hugs and standing ovation to you both!!

Sally and Happy Hannah

Darn right cancer, BARTY is in the house!!!! You LOSE!

What a good time that looks like, how awesome he got to make such a great impression on so many kids. Every day you and Bart continue to change the world and make it better. WOOHOOO! Love you guys.


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Bart – an extraordinary Vizsla is brought to you by Tripawds.