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10 Apr 2012, 11:40am


Bart’s Summer Challenge

Happy Tuesday! (In Bart’s World, every day is a Happy Day!!)

Bart had a great weekend! He is fortunate enough to live on a large farm with 4 other canine brothers and sisters and two horse cousins. He gets to run, hunt quail and hang out with mom while I help tend to the garden, the horses and anything else that needs to get done.

Now that Bart’s Field Trial Season is over for the summer, he is going to be working on training for a grueling NAVHDA (North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association) test which is an all day long, 4 event challenge which allows Bart to demonstrate his superior quail hunting talent and show off his amazing swimming abilities while he searches for ducks! Yep, Bart is a swimming machine!!

Bart was not allowed to try to swim until he finished his chemo treatments in October 2008 due to possible bacteria in the lakes and ponds and when he was finally able to attempt it I have to admit I had some concerns that it would be too difficult for him and had even looked into getting him a life vest.  A friend reminded me how Bart had overcome all other boundaries and to let him try and just see how he would do. In true Bart style, he ran into the lake and started swimming like a pro!  That was the very last time I ever doubted Bart’s abilities at all! From then on out it was Full Steam Ahead!!!

So, this summer we will be working on getting prepared for a NAVHDA test so we will keep you posted on Bart’s progress. 

Bart wants to remind everyone to make sure to hug and love your Tripawds every chance you get (and to give them lots of treats!)!

Darcy & Bart


WOW!!! Good luck Bart! You are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tracy & Maggie

Hey Bart, will you wear a “collar-cam” or something like that when you do your Trials? We would LOVE to see that!

That’s a good point about not swimming during chemo, I’ve never thought about that before but will be sure to bring it up to people whose Tripawds love swimming.

Also want to mention that life vests really aren’t for wimps, they actually do help you stay in the water longer so don’t be embarrassed to try one, we think they really make the water so much more fun.

Oooohhh…a collar cam would be the best! I will try to see what we can find to do that! I would like to see what Bart sees!

And you are so right – wearing a vest does not mean you are wimpy at all!!! You gotta do what you gotta do to keep on doing what you love vest or no vest! And with all the cool colors and styles they just make the Tripawds all that more gorgeous!!

We Love Tripawds!!!


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Bart – an extraordinary Vizsla is brought to you by Tripawds.