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30 Aug 2012, 6:33pm


Checking In…

It has been a while since we have checked in but we are glad we poked around today because we were able to be inspired by Zeus and reminded of Chili Dawg, both of whom are incredible dogs with incredible families. 

With Bart’s big cover debut behind him, we are gearing up for hunting season and a new opportunity for Bart to have some fun in the field. The American Kennel Club has recently allowed pointing dogs such as Bart to participate in retriever events and we are entered in our first retrieving hunt test in just a few weeks.  Bart is like, “Don’t sweat it, Mom! I got this!” while I am nervous that we will do something stupid since we have never done this and have only watched this type of test on the internet.  But, Bart & I have failed and succeeded more times together than I can count so this will be another one or the other (hopefully we will pass and it will be a success).  If not, I am sure we will have fun and there will be folks whose jaws will drop when they see this 3-legged kid rocket off to retrieve his prize. Bart is one of  the zippiest retrieving dogs and a pure joy to watch work the field.

Wish us luck as we continue on this journey of fun as we try (again) something we have never done before!

Darcy & Bart

Oh, that is so kind of you. And funny, too, because we have considered Bart an inspiration to us! Zeus was a “mature” : ) dog and wasn’t running marathons even before amp, so he hasn’t been on the most active list since surgery. It always amazes us to see stories of pups like Bart who are so very active. We love you Bart! Keep on showing us how it’s done!

All of the dogs are inspirations in their own unique way! I am glad Bart can give hope to others!

Go Bart Go! You are quite the inspiration to us. We will take Hunter pheasant hunting this fall if he wants to go… which I’m sure he will. He still gets excited by the word “birdy!”…

Yay For Hunter! I would love to see him hunt!

Here’s my opinion: Bart is a three legged dog kicking cancer’s butt. I’m pretty sure he’s gonna be able to handle some little retrieving hunt test! Go Bart, show them four leggers how it’s done!!!!!!!!

30 Aug 2012, 7:31pm
by Bart’s Mom


I like your opinion! We will stick with it!

Oh very cool the AKC is finally waking up to Tripawd Power!

Good luck you two, we know you’ll ace this one!

Bart – you are the coolest! Good luck on your new journey – but we know Bart totally has it wired.

Jackie, Ange Abby’s mom

So happy to see Bart having a ball, and so happy to know he will get to inspire others who don’t even know that 3-legged dogs exist! I’d love to film those jaws hitting the floor! So yes–go Bart! Go!



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Bart – an extraordinary Vizsla is brought to you by Tripawds.