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8 May 2014, 1:38pm


Bart soldiering on in Amazing fashion…but of course

Bart at Dr. WynnsHi Everypawdy!!

Bart is doing amazing! He was able to start his first round of chemo last week and he did fantastic! He is on the same protocol as in 2008, so I have some reference on how he will do. Of course, he is now 9 years old so his body is different and I am mindful of that.

He is eating a home cooked diet and his wonderful holistic vet, Dr. Susan Wynn, is concocting a specially tailored diet for him which should be ready by next week.  Dr. Wynn also put together “Bart’s Blend” of holistic herbs to be his Bone Stasis to keep his bones as healthy as they are now. Our goal is quality of life and to keep him eating during his chemo treatments. So far so good. We have many options to keep him eating.

During Bart’s visit with Dr. Wynn, he really wooed her over and she kept saying how very Charming Bart is…well, of course. No surprise to me. Bart is one of those dogs with lovely confidence that will walk right up to a stranger, look them straight in the face with his Vizsla smile and wag his tail until he gets what he wants – a butt rub!!

Bart loves the mornings when it is nice and cool. He runs all over the place and just could not be more joyful! I am taking his lead on this – if he is happy, I will be happy. He trusts me, and I am going to trust him. He has never let me down so far, so why would I not trust him?

So, we are moving along quite well and enjoying each day. I can say that having gone through this once before, I am astonished at how much easier it is to appreciate the good and not worry about the bad. I read something somewhere that said, “Worrying is like Praying for something you don’t want.”

Right now we intend to Be.More.Dog and enjoy life!

Love all of you in the Tripawd Nation!

Darcy & Bart


Sounds great. I love the fact that you are just moving along. Bart we know you can continue to beat this nasty disease. You are a survivor. I hope all the good stuff that your vets are planning work out 🙂

Keep kicking butt and we are pulling for you to beat this again because we know you can

Michelle & Angel Sassy

Thanks for the great update and hoto! Bart is such a handsome boy! And yeah, his charm just oozes out by the bucket loads!

Your insight and attitude…..prefect! I KNOW it’s easier said than done sometimes, but you are spot on in your thinking right now. My continuous mantra…”let NOTHING rob you of your time together”…and you are doing that just beautifully!

BART is a very, very, very special fella’ in sooooooo many ways! He has proven statistics do not apply to him and he’s making his own! You have a dynamic plan for a dynamic dog! I have NO doubt he will continue to do AMAZINGLY WELL for a very long time and will become the world’s most famous senior!!

Oh, and Hapoy Hannah’s watching over him, but feels very strongly that he must have one spoonful of ice cream everyday … organic of course!

Sending so much love and many, many hugs!

Sally and Hapoy Hannah

OHhhh thank you for the update Darcy, this just made my morning. It’s so great to see that Barty is just kickin’ butt like he always does, and your attitude is PAWESOME.

I would love to interview you about his diet & supplements protocol soon, stay tuned.

Please give that handsome pup a very big smooch from us, and many many hugs to you. There’s no better example of how to be more dog than you two. xoxo


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Bart – an extraordinary Vizsla is brought to you by Tripawds.